Performance Marketing Videos vs. Brand/Product Videos
October 21, 2022
Previously, we discussed what performance marketing is, what its video content is like, and its importance in marketing strategies. Performance marketing videos are purpose-driven and seek to drive audience action and produce results. The success of one of these videos rests on its ability to quickly engage the target audience, and encourage a prospective user to download, sign up, or take some tangible action toward becoming a user of your product or service.
Performance marketing is just one important component of marketing. There are many different disciplines and styles of content that fit into the category of marketing but have different goals and methods of accomplishing them. Brand and product videos, for instance, are ultimately videos used in marketing campaigns, but they gave different aims. To the uninitiated, marketing video content can all look similar at a surface level, but drilling down into the specifics of different video types can reveal the unique intricacies of each.
Performance Video Qualities
When comparing performance marketing videos to their brand and product video counterparts, it’s important to note the essential qualities – what makes a performance video a performance video?
Typically, our performance videos aim to be short, between 15-30 seconds and engage the viewer who is in a ‘lean back’ situation. This refers to an individual passively scrolling through social media platforms, who isn’t searching for something specific. At Igloo Creative House, one of our greatest assets is our ability to create eye-catching animations or hybrids, and we use these quickly capture the audience’s attention while delivering the video’s core message.
One of the standout qualities of performance videos is their goals and how their success is measured. These videos aim to connect with a user on an individual level and speak to them in a direct, authentic way. To this end, our clients generally hope to see increased levels of click-through, downloads, and installations originating from a performance marketing video campaign.
How Brand Videos are Different
Though we work from creative briefs and follow our proven processes no matter what kind of video we’re working on, there are key differences to be aware of with each video category. As the name suggests, brand videos are more about reinforcing a brand and what it means, rather than encouraging direct responses from individual audience members on a more intimate level.
Brand videos help a business position itself in a market by expressing its values. By expressing the foundational beliefs of a company through brand videos, a business can be seen as more favorable, trustworthy, and ultimately worthy of patronage. Our brand videos aim to communicate a brand’s message and identity at a higher level to give an impression of the business as a whole, instead of addressing a specific need an individual audience member might have.
Brand videos tend to be a bit longer than performance videos, with the general recommendation being that they’re less than two minutes long. Marketing videos as a whole are results-driven, but brand videos are more concerned with web traffic and website visits than download or installation metrics.
How Product Videos are Different
A product video is an explainer video that communicates the benefits of using a particular product. It shows a product in action to very clearly display its advantages, highlights its core functionality, and crucially, how it can be a solution to a customer’s problem.
Common elements of an Igloo Creative House product video include easy-to-understand explanations of a product’s benefits and how it’s used. In showing off the product, it may be used to highlight pain points that potential customers face and how it’s a solution for them. When Igloo Creative House is crafting a product video, we aim to highlight the key functionality, whether that is long battery life, multiple uses, or anything in between, depending on the product.
Though it sounds like there is some crossover with performance videos, it’s important to remember that product videos generally can be anything up to three minutes in length and have different metrics, whereas performance videos look to reach audiences at scale in a user-centric way that’s entirely focused on driving specific actions
Igloo is a part of Magic Media, an international group specialising in entertainment and gaming industry services. Our interest lies in your success, and clear, open communication is paramount to that. Looking for a video partner you can trust to create performance, brand, or product videos? Be sure to check out our reels and get in contact with us today to see how we can help make your dream video content a reality.